We are thrilled to announce the winners of the first OSMT hackathon! This remarkable event brought together the OSN community in a week-long virtual gathering, fostering innovation and collaboration. After an intensive judging process, we are delighted to recognize the exceptional contributions and achievements of the participants. Congratulations to Nate Otto from Skybridge Skills, who emerged as a standout winner in multiple categories, showcasing remarkable expertise and creativity. We extend our sincere appreciation to all the participants for their valuable contributions and commend their dedication to enhancing the open skills management tool. Let's delve into the details of their winning submissions and the remarkable impact they have made.
Sponsored in part by the generous support provided by

OSMT Bug Bounties: Nate Otto, Skybridge Skills
OSMT Improvements: Nate Otto, Skybridge Skills
Integrations: Nate Otto, Skybridge Skills
Leveraging RSDs: The Youni team, led by George Paragioudakis
Innovation Prize: Congratulations to Nate Otto of Skybridge Skills
We're Hacking OSMT
In late April 2023, participants were invited to a unique opportunity to create positive changes to user experience and design for the Open Skills Management Tool (OSMT). This event was an initiative to bring together designers, developers, and enthusiasts from around the world to collaborate and ideate on how we can enhance the OSMT platform.
OSMT is an open-source platform that enables users to create and manage collections of skills in a transparent and standardized way. OSMT helps to further the goal of a common skills language by organizing and sharing skills-related data. An open-source technology allows anyone to use the tool collaboratively to define RSDs, so that those skills are translatable and transferable across educational institutions and hiring organizations within curricula and job descriptions.
Our Hackathon event was a week-long virtual event that provided a platform for participants to work together and come up with creative solutions to improve OSMT. Participants had the opportunity to showcase their talents while developing the skills-based future and in pursuit of a monetary bounty.
We welcomed designers, developers, and enthusiasts of all levels of experience and backgrounds to join us on this exciting journey towards creating a better OSMT.

Ready to Create?
This dynamic week-long event was the first time that we actively sought OSMT engagement from the greater OSN community and beyond without the requirement of a planned business project from their organization. We are excited about the possibilities for growth this event will bring for the OSN community and our Open Skills Management Tool (OSMT). The competition ran from April 26 through May 3, 2023.
What's at stake for your team?
Teams were welcome from any organization or background and could submit under multiple categories. The categories (and prizes) were:
Bug Bounties: Help address OSMT's various tickets!
Bug bounties were awarded on a first-come, first-served basis on the OSMT Github repository at $100 per issue, sourced from this list. Whichever participant resolved the most issues was awarded an extra $400 prize from the bounty pool.
OSMT Improvements: Create your own improvements to OSMT and its source code. PRIZE POOL: $2000
Integrations: Integrate existing tools and systems with OSMT in creative and innovative ways. PRIZE POOL: $2000
Leveraging RSDs: Utilize RSDs in different applications and contexts. PRIZE POOL: $2000
We'll also awarded a $2000 Innovation Prize to the most impactful and creative submission.
OSMT.HACK served to build community and foster innovation around open skills. In the spirit of this, commit requirements for project submissions were softer than outlined in OSMT's Contribution Guidelines.
However, winners needed to modify their code to be production-ready before commits were merged into the OSMT repository.

What's a Hackathon?
A hackathon is an exciting, fast-paced, and collaborative coding event that brings together individuals and teams to innovate, create and build solutions. It's an opportunity to push boundaries and innovate.